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Breathwork and yoga are an integral part of freediving. How we breathe before and after a dive, how we prepare our body and mind for a deep dive or for a long breath hold. All of these things can be learnt and practiced, and a lot of this learning and practicing can happen safely on your yoga mat at home. That is why we have created this AGULHAS Breathwork Series, as an introductory resource for enthusiastic beginners or ongoing training for more experienced freedivers.

When it comes to getting in the water, we advocate a slow progression approach to freediving, where you explore your body’s unique potential (and limititations!) under the expert eye of a certified freediving instructor.

Make sure to read the video descriptions carefully to understand any possible risks or considerations. We’re excited to be a part of your freediving and breathwork journey!

In this video, Hanli talks in depth about what happens in the human body when we hold our breath. This is essential knowledge for anyone who wants to learn more about breath hold and explore freediving. From the basics of the respiratory system, to the effect of carbon dioxide on the body to the mammalian dive response, this video will help you understand more about what to expect when you practice breath holds and freediving. (No exercises, just information.)

In this video, Hanli explains and demonstrates how to take a really deep breath. Knowing and practicing how to take a really big breath is essential for successful freediving and breath holds, this relatively simple skill can greatly accelerate your breath hold journey! (Easy stretches and deep breathing skills, best practiced sitting comfortably on the floor or lying on your back.)


“Over ten years I have explored my physical ability as a freediver. Training my body to be perfectly prepared for record-breaking dives. Only to realise, that it’s not about my body. My deepest dives, my longest breath-holds are all successes purely of the mind.

You are most powerful when you are not contemplating past successes or failures, future fears or hopes. None of these are real. The only real thing is right now. Now. Now. And every now becomes a then and you have to train hard to be present. I have learnt that when I am only here, only now, I can do anything, overcome anything.”
– Hanli

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